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You're viewing SimCity Cheat Codes

Game Name : SimCity
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2006-10-14 03:00:51
Views : 23367

Las Vegas Scenario
Beat the six game scenarios and have at least one city with over 100,000 citizens living in it saved to the game.

999 extra city maps
There is normally only 999 city maps, but if for any strange reason you need 999 more, here's a way to unlock 999 more maps. Start a new city, and choose any map number, then start the game. Now select the ''Go to Menu'' Icon located at the top of the screen, and choose Start New City without saving. After a short period of time, the map will change, but the number wont.

Beat the Las Vegas scenario

At any time while playing a city, spend all of your money. When the tax screan apears at the end of December hold down L. Select ''Go With Figures'' and then go back to the tax screan. Turn all of the dues to 100% and exit still holding L. When you release L your money will be at $999,999.

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